Attractive urban space in an area of very high building density in Berlin

How to create an attractive urban space, campus and green expanse, all in an area of very high building density? Together with the Senate of Berlin, the city’s Technical University and Reiss&Co, De Zwarte Hond sought to answer this question in the context of the urban planning expert procedure for Hertzallee Nord in Berlin. An urban landscape is being created here on various levels in the immediate vicinity of the Bahnhof Zoo. The strategy is a consistent, vertical densification of the various uses, coupled with making ground-floor zones available with interesting public functions.

The plan includes six well-proportioned towers ranging from 60 to 100 metres high, which stand on sturdy plinths. Housing (also for students), offices and research facilities will be located here. A special public space with a view of the Tiergarten will be created at the height of Berlin’s classic roof edge (the Berliner Traufe). At street level, Berliners will come together in a communal urban space with kindergartens, museums, canteens, meeting rooms, restaurants and flexible spaces. The expansion of City West makes the city accessible to all Berliners on different levels.