De Zwarte Hond actively engaged at Stadmakerscongres 2022
A packed Theater Zuidplein was in full swing on 4 November for the Stadmakerscongres 2022. Each year, Architecture Institute Rotterdam organises this 'Rotterdam workshop and brainstorming forum on city making'.
De Zwarte Hond's urban design team organised the KOERS OP ZUID workshop. At eight busy work tables, each one focusing on a section of Rotterdam South, experts and city makers were tackling the question "How can Zuid transform and still remain itself?" Workshop master was Jeroen de Willigen of De Zwarte Hond. Under his direction, the Rotterdam City Council looked at how new developments could create more coherence in the further development of Zuid.
Headline in 2040
The morning session included the question 'What is the newspaper headline in 2040 for this specific part of Zuid?' The districts of Rotterdam South for which the eight working tables were set up covered the Lombardijenknoop, Waalhaven/Charloisse Poort, Zuidplein, Stadsas Rijnhaven/Maashaven, Carnisse, Kop van Feijenoord, Cultuuras and Keizerswaard.
It was a very successful Stadmakerscongress and it generated a lot of enthusiasm and new insights that will be used by Rotterdam City Council in participation sessions about ' Koers op Zuid'. It was good to see so many people engaged in their city. Find an impression enclosed.