De Zwarte Hond is looking forward to 2017!
With nine partners and a growing team of talented colleagues since 2015, De Zwarte Hond has had a wide range of expertise in the field of architecture, urban planning and research at its disposal. This enables us to transform any assignment, however complex, into a clear intervention. 2016 is proof of this with Het Kielzog Cultural Complex, the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam, Drechterland Town Hall, and Agaathhof in Groningen. Highly diverse projects to which, in each case, we have contributed added value, both to the assignment and to the urban-regional context.
We will continue to pursue this course in 2017 including current architecture projects such as Kunstenpand in Rotterdam Zuid, Glashorst primary school in Scherpenzeel, and Assen station. And also in our urban planning projects such as the transformation of the historical coal mine in the centre ofHamm, our work on theWorldFoodCenter, and the new StadtUmland Zwischen Rhein und Wuppe project.
We will begin 2017 with a fantastic project portfolio which we will take up with great enthusiasm. Optimistic as always, we anticipate adding other interesting projects to the list. And whether a project is big or small, situated in the city or on the periphery, our goal remains the same: an end result that is just as ambitious and appealing as the first proposals put forward.
On behalf of De Zwarte Hond team we wish you an optimistic and successful 2017!