Developing a greening strategy in Bremerhaven

Together with Felixx Landscape Architects & Planners we have been selected to develop a greening strategy for the Bremerhaven city centre.

The project is an important part of Bremerhaven’s policy vision Innenstadt Neu Denken. This vision was developed to make the city centre diverse and lively again by utilising new and climate-conscious urban planning. Our greening strategy contributes to this approach as we envision adding greenery to the city centre in various ways and transforming it into a versatile space. Moreover, by increasing its residential quality the area will become more attractive for shops and businesses. This greening strategy also combines well with our other project in Bremerhaven where we are improving the connection between the inner city area and Havenwelten.

To achieve inclusive and innovative urban development while involving the public in shaping the plans, we are using the Swipocratie tool. As an innovative online participation tool it helps us collect problems and wishes.

You can read more about the greening strategy on the website of Bremerhaven.