Out There #4

How do we make residential floor plans part of the design assignment again?

Out There is De Zwarte Hond’s irregularly published bookazine. It deals with various themes affecting the relationship between design and society. The content is the result of discussions among the partners, and with clients and specialists. These conversations offer us new perspectives for our never-ending research into our own work and thinking, which are also part of this publication.

Out There #4 is a plea for better residential floor plans. Nearly one million homes will be built in the Netherlands over the coming years. In order to realize these numbers, drawings and plans are being produced at a rapid rate. However, we notice in our daily practice that the quality of homes is under serious pressure.

The floor plan is a powerful tool for the quality of our living environments

Out There #4

For Out There #4, we studied in depth how the Dutch housing map has developed over the past 100 years. Much, if not everything, is related to changes in our society and to technological progress. How we heat and construct our buildings, the demographic structure, the presence or absence of certain materials – all of these have an influence. Appliances such as the washing machine and the television have also had a huge impact, as more and more activities began to take place in the home.
Together with publicist and architectural historian Peter Michiel Schaap, the architects Lisa van der Slot and Henk Stadens, who also compiled this publication, talk to five experts, each with their own background and perspective. Out There #4 is a plea to make the floor plan an intrinsic part of the design assignment once again. After all, why should we settle for only two flavours –
the single-family home or the apartment – in a  society that is increasingly diverse?


Corporaties, Residential