© Sebastian van Damme

© Sebastian van Damme
Subtle addition with a great impact
Commissioned by CBRE Investment Management, the owner of Delftse Poort, we were asked to create a connection on the seventh floor of the building between two towers. This skybridge gives Delftse Poort, a multi-tenant office building, even more diversity and value as it connects the floors of the high-rise and low-rise buildings. In this way it also responds to the market demand for large, continuous – or at least connected – office floors. As the owner of Bonnema architects, it was a great opportunity to work on the well-known icon right next to Rotterdam Central Station.
The skybridge is visible at street level, but blends into the existing buildings from other vantage points. Because there is a staggered gap between the storey floors, the new bridge is kinked and incorporates a staircase to bridge it. The architecture is striking but appropriate to Bonnema’s design.
On the outside, the skybridge demonstrates its own character through the subtle ribbing that gives the facades and ceiling a special detail in the seams. The dark colour of the materials and window frames refers to the black shiny natural stone buttresses that are in the design. From the skybridge, there are also stunning new views of Bonnema’s modernist and monumental architecture.