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De Zwarte Hond wins competition to revitalise ironworks site in Witten

The area between the former foundry halls and historic buildings of the Böhmer ironworks offers great potential for the development of a sustainable residential and commercial location in Witten-Annen.  

Our design divides the area into three sections: HUSH for residential use, BUZZ for the neighbourhood’s centre and FUZZ for the city logistics. Within this division, the BUZZ area acts as a buffer between the other two. In HUSH, we create space for housing, retirement homes and a day care centre, whereas LAUT facilitates city logistics on the Westfalenstraße in the north. Additionally, the former model warehouse will be divided into storage rooms, studios and workshops, and heavy goods traffic will be routed via the Westfalenstraße and a large mobility hub.  

In the central neighbourhood, smaller existing halls will be flexibly expanded for manufacturing and showrooms. Along the Annenstraße, the daycare centre and office building will be extended into a retirement home.  

We connect the BUZZ and HUSH areas through a central promenade, with playground areas in the north-west and open green spaces that create quality urban spaces. By separating the functional areas, independent development can take place in several phases.  

Based on the jury’s recommendations, the designs are currently being revised. The competition has been commissioned by the Stadt Witten.