EBOOK OutThere #5 The future is near

OutThere puts the focus on proximity. From our conviction that more space for housing, work, facilities and leisure in close proximity to each other will result in more comfortable and healthy living environments. By taking proximity as a starting point, we can tackle all these major challenges in a coherent way.

We believe that station areas are the ideal places to create this proximity. All these places ‘within cycling distance’ from all of the different stations that we count in the Netherlands. Because station areas are simply the most accessible places. At the same time, many are crying out for a quality boost.

From different perspectives we show in this OutThere how, based on our Olympic mission, we will integrally work on a more sustainable environment and why we should (want to) capitalize on the potential of our station areas

Pay attention: this is an eBook (PDF). A printed edition (Dutch) can be ordered HERE if desired.

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