‘La verde vita’ in Munich Moosach

Urban development means finding spatial solutions for living together in the tense intersection of politics, citizens’ needs, economic interests and sustainable development. In the next ten years, even higher demands will be made on cities and their inhabitants. New urban space must therefore meet sustainability needs (from storm-water management to CO2 storage), and must enable people to enjoy a high quality of life.

On behalf of the City of Munich, De Zwarte Hond has been asked to upgrade the existing neighbourhood of Moosach together with FaktorGrün. The district is located west of Dachauer Strasse and was built in the 1970s. The project calls for the realisation of high-quality living space and an upgrade to the urban green space. In addition, a mix of uses must be created that should be developed in a sustainable manner.

The motto ‘la verde vita’ points to a development direction that especially strengthens social solidarity. The large central park offers space for absorbing the impact of climate change and for strengthening social interaction in the neighbourhood. The residents step out of their front doors into a natural and active space – in the heart of a mixed neighbourhood, in the heart of Moosach and in the heart of Munich. The restricted traffic and car-free streets make it possible for all age groups to walk safely to work, school or the shops. With this design, De Zwarte Hond ensures – especially in the four urban squares with their different uses – that Bayerische Gemütlichkeit (‘Bavarian conviviality’) can be passed on to future generations.